Custom Pointer Shape

You can provide a custom SVG element to be used as the pointer shape. This allows to use a custom graphic or icon as a pointer instead of the default round shape.

export interface ISettings {
    // ... other settings ...

    // A ReactNode representing a custom SVG element 
    // to be used as the pointer. This allows for 
    // using a custom graphic or icon as the pointer,
    // instead of the default circular shape. 
    // The default value is undefined.
    pointerSVG?: ReactNode;

    // ... other settings ...

For example:

const Component = () => {

    const [ pointers, setPointers ] = useState<ISettingsPointer[]>([
        { value: 75 },

    return (
            pointers={ pointers }
            onChange={ setPointers }
            textColor={ '#8993B7' }
            connectionBgColor={ '#ced3e2' }
            pointerRadius={ 50 }
                <svg xmlns=""
                     width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth="1.5" stroke="#8993B7"
                     fill="none" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round">
                    <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
                        d="M12 10c-1.32 0 -1.983 .421 -2.931 1.924l-.244 .398l-.395 .688a50.89 50.89 0 0 0 -.141 .254c-.24 .434 -.571 .753 -1.139 1.142l-.55 .365c-.94 .627 -1.432 1.118 -1.707 1.955c-.124 .338 -.196 .853 -.193 1.28c0 1.687 1.198 2.994 2.8 2.994l.242 -.006c.119 -.006 .234 -.017 .354 -.034l.248 -.043l.132 -.028l.291 -.073l.162 -.045l.57 -.17l.763 -.243l.455 -.136c.53 -.15 .94 -.222 1.283 -.222c.344 0 .753 .073 1.283 .222l.455 .136l.764 .242l.569 .171l.312 .084c.097 .024 .187 .045 .273 .062l.248 .043c.12 .017 .235 .028 .354 .034l.242 .006c1.602 0 2.8 -1.307 2.8 -3c0 -.427 -.073 -.939 -.207 -1.306c-.236 -.724 -.677 -1.223 -1.48 -1.83l-.257 -.19l-.528 -.38c-.642 -.47 -1.003 -.826 -1.253 -1.278l-.27 -.485l-.252 -.432c-1.011 -1.696 -1.618 -2.099 -3.053 -2.099z"
                        strokeWidth="0" fill="#8993B7"></path>
                        d="M19.78 7h-.03c-1.219 .02 -2.35 1.066 -2.908 2.504c-.69 1.775 -.348 3.72 1.075 4.333c.256 .109 .527 .163 .801 .163c1.231 0 2.38 -1.053 2.943 -2.504c.686 -1.774 .34 -3.72 -1.076 -4.332a2.05 2.05 0 0 0 -.804 -.164z"
                        strokeWidth="0" fill="#8993B7"></path>
                        d="M9.025 3c-.112 0 -.185 .002 -.27 .015l-.093 .016c-1.532 .206 -2.397 1.989 -2.108 3.855c.272 1.725 1.462 3.114 2.92 3.114l.187 -.005a1.26 1.26 0 0 0 .084 -.01l.092 -.016c1.533 -.206 2.397 -1.989 2.108 -3.855c-.27 -1.727 -1.46 -3.114 -2.92 -3.114z"
                        strokeWidth="0" fill="#8993B7"></path>
                        d="M14.972 3c-1.459 0 -2.647 1.388 -2.916 3.113c-.29 1.867 .574 3.65 2.174 3.867c.103 .013 .2 .02 .296 .02c1.39 0 2.543 -1.265 2.877 -2.883l.041 -.23c.29 -1.867 -.574 -3.65 -2.174 -3.867a2.154 2.154 0 0 0 -.298 -.02z"
                        strokeWidth="0" fill="#8993B7"></path>
                        d="M4.217 7c-.274 0 -.544 .054 -.797 .161c-1.426 .615 -1.767 2.562 -1.078 4.335c.563 1.451 1.71 2.504 2.941 2.504c.274 0 .544 -.054 .797 -.161c1.426 -.615 1.767 -2.562 1.078 -4.335c-.563 -1.451 -1.71 -2.504 -2.941 -2.504z"
                        strokeWidth="0" fill="#8993B7"></path>